ICON Aircraft Service Center

Most recently Exec Aero, LLC. has become an authorized service center for ICON Aircraft which offers an all composite Light Sport amphibious aircraft equipped with a parachute. This aircraft has been anticipated for quite a few years and is now being delivered. The ICON A5 is the most advanced light sport aircraft of its type in the world.

ICON A5 Live Event Photos - July 2019
ICON Aircraft logo
ICON Aircraft Sales

Scott Rodenbeck
Phone: (727) 288-7844

2 ICON Aircraft planes
a man standing next to an ICON Aircraft plane
an inside view of an ICON Aircraft plane
ICON Aircraft plane
a view from flying plane over lake
a view from flying plane
man inside ICON Aircraft plane
2 men inside ICON Aircraft plane
2 men inside ICON Aircraft plane
ICON Aircraft plane
ICON Aircraft plane

× ICON Aircraft planes
× a man standing next to an ICON Aircraft plane
× an inside view of an ICON Aircraft plane
× ICON Aircraft plane
× a view from flying plane over lake
× a view from flying plane
× man inside ICON Aircraft plane
× 2 men inside ICON Aircraft plane
× 2 men inside ICON Aircraft plane
× ICON Aircraft plane
× ICON Aircraft plane